Produkt zum Begriff Trustworthy:
Responsible AI: Best Practices for Creating Trustworthy AI Systems
THE FIRST PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR OPERATIONALIZING RESPONSIBLE AIFROM MUL TI°LEVEL GOVERNANCE MECHANISMS TO CONCRETE DESIGN PATTERNS AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING TECHNIQUES. AI is solving real-world challenges and transforming industries. Yet, there are serious concerns about its ability to behave and make decisions in a responsible way. Operationalizing responsible AI is about providing concrete guidelines to a wide range of decisionmakers and technologists on how to govern, design, and build responsible AI systems. These include governance mechanisms at the industry, organizational, and team level; software engineering best practices; architecture styles and design patterns; system-level techniques connecting code with data and models; and trade-offs in design decisions. Responsible AI includes a set of practices that technologists (for example, technology-conversant decision-makers, software developers, and AI practitioners) can undertake to ensure the AI systems they develop or adopt are trustworthy throughout the entire lifecycle and can be trusted by those who use them. The book offers guidelines and best practices not just for the AI part of a system, but also for the much larger software infrastructure that typically wraps around the AI. First book of its kind to cover the topic of operationalizing responsible AI from the perspective of the entire software development life cycle. Concrete and actionable guidelines throughout the lifecycle of AI systems, including governance mechanisms, process best practices, design patterns, and system engineering techniques. Authors are leading experts in the areas of responsible technology, AI engineering, and software engineering. Reduce the risks of AI adoption, accelerate AI adoption in responsible ways, and translate ethical principles into products, consultancy, and policy impact to support the AI industry. Online repository of patterns, techniques, examples, and playbooks kept up-to-date by the authors. Real world case studies to demonstrate responsible AI in practice. Chart the course to responsible AI excellence, from governance to design, with actionable insights and engineering prowess found in this defi nitive guide.
Preis: 35.3 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Design for Trustworthy Software: Tools, Techniques, and Methodology of Developing Robust Software
ASQ 2007 CROSBY MEDAL WINNER!An Integrated Technology for Delivering Better Software—Cheaper and Faster! This book presents an integrated technology, Design for Trustworthy Software (DFTS), to address software quality issues upstream such that the goal of software quality becomes that of preventing bugs in implementation rather than finding and eliminating them during and after implementation. The thrust of the technology is that major quality deployments take place before a single line of code is written! This customer-oriented integrated technology can help deliver breakthrough results in cost, quality, and delivery schedule thus meeting and exceeding customer expectations. The authors describe the principles behind the technology as well as their applications to actual software design problems. They present illustrative case studies covering various aspects of DFTS technology including CoSQ, AHP, TRIZ, FMEA, QFD, and Taguchi Methods and provide ample questions and exercises to test the readers understanding of the material in addition to detailed examples of the applications of the technology. The book can be used to impart organization-wide learning including training for DFTS Black Belts and Master Black Belts. It helps you gain rapid mastery, so you can deploy DFTS Technology quickly and successfully. Learn how to • Plan, build, maintain, and improve your trustworthy software development system • Adapt best practices of quality, leadership, learning, and management for the unique software development milieu • Listen to the customer’s voice, then guide user expectations to realizable, reliable software products • Refocus on customer-centered issues such as reliability, dependability, availability, and upgradeability • Encourage greater design creativity and innovation • Validate, verify, test, evaluate, integrate, and maintain software for trustworthiness • Analyze the financial impact of software quality • Prepare your leadership and infrastructure for DFTS Design for Trustworthy Software will help you improve quality whether you develop in-house, outsource, consult, or provide support. It offers breakthrough solutions for the entire spectrum of software and quality professionals—from developers to project leaders, chief software architects to customers. The American Society for Quality (ASQ) is the world's leading authority on quality which provides a community that advances learning, quality improvement, and knowledge exchange to improve business results, and to create better workplaces and communities worldwide. The Crosby Medal is presented to the individual who has authored a distinguished book contributing significantly to the extension of the philosophy and application of the principles, methods, or techniques of quality management. Bijay K. Jayaswal, CEO of Agilenty Consulting Group, has held senior executive positions and consulted on quality and strategy for 25 years. His expertise includes value engineering, process improvement, and product development. He has directed MBA and Advanced Management programs, and helped to introduce enterprise-wide reengineering and Six Sigma initiatives. Dr. Peter C. Patton, Chairman of Agilenty Consulting Group, is Professor of Quantitative Methods and Computer Science at the University of St. Thomas. He served as CIO of the University of Pennsylvania and CTO at Lawson Software, and has been involved with software development since 1955.
Preis: 28.88 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Launching a Design for Trustworthy Software (DFTS) Initiative (Digital Short Cut)
This short cut is a reproduction of Chapter 21 of the book Design for Trustworthy Software (DFTS) and is a sequel to Chapters 2, 5, and 20. The Plan, Implement, Control, and Secure (PICS) implementation framework is revisited and its four phases are examined in turn. Building organization-wide competencies to launch and sustain a DFTS initiative is emphasized.The short cut begins with a review of various planning activities and a summary of deliverables. This is followed by a detailed presentation of the two implementation steps that deal with establishing overall learning objectives, designing and customizing learning curricula, providing training for support personnel and Black Belts and Master Black Belts, and the ensuing application of such learning to an actual software development project. Next is a discussion of monitoring and control mechanisms including self-appraisal, successive appraisal, and review of work carried out to date with the customers. This is followed by a discussion of Simon's Levers of Control, namely, belief systems, boundary systems, diagnostic control systems, and interactive control systems, and of important issues related to internal control systems to ensure integrity of data used in strategic control systems. Finally, operational controls involving feedback control systems and project management is presented.A case study of GE's Operating System is introduced as a vehicle to launch a new initiative and enrich it through several yearly cycles. Another case study presents Tata Consultancy Services' quality initiatives and their integration. A brief discussion of application in small software firms and e-cottages is provided. The chapter ends with a brief discussion of the future course of a DFTS initiative.This short cut can be used either as a methodology in deploying the DFTS initiative or as a standalone presentation on launching major organizational initiatives.This short cut should be of interest to software and quality professionals. In particular, it should be of value to the CMMI, Six Sigma, and DFSS communities worldwide, especially those who have acquired or plan to acquire Green Belt, Black Belt, Master Black Belt, or similar competencies in various quality management disciplines. It should also be useful resource for students and academic of various programs at senior undergraduate and graduate levels, and for those preparing for American Society for Quality's (ASQ) Certified Software Quality Engineer (CSQE) examination.What This Short Cut Covers 3Introduction 4DFTS and the PICS Framework 5Plan 6Implement 7Control 16Secure 27Application in Small Software Firms and e-Cottages 36What's Next? 37Key Points 37Additional Resources 40Internet Exercises 40Review Questions 41Discussion Questions 41Endnotes 42What's in the Book Design for Trustworthy Software 44About the Authors 49The Design for Trustworthy Software Digital Short Cut Compilation 50
Preis: 7.48 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Lu, Qinghua: Responsible AI: Best Practices for Creating Trustworthy AI Systems
Responsible AI: Best Practices for Creating Trustworthy AI Systems , AI systems are solving real-world challenges and transforming industries, but there are serious concerns about how responsibly they operate on behalf of the humans that rely on them. Many ethical principles and guidelines have been proposed for AI systems, but they're often too 'high-level' to be translated into practice. Conversely, AI/ML researchers often focus on algorithmic solutions that are too 'low-level' to adequately address ethics and responsibility. In this timely, practical guide, pioneering AI practitioners bridge these gaps. The authors illuminate issues of AI responsibility across the entire system lifecycle and all system components, offer concrete and actionable guidance for addressing them, and demonstrate these approaches in three detailed case studies. Writing for technologists, decision-makers, students, users, and other stake-holders, the topics cover: Governance mechanisms at industry, organisation, and team levels Development process perspectives, including software engineering best practices for AI System perspectives, including quality attributes, architecture styles, and patterns Techniques for connecting code with data and models, including key tradeoffs Principle-specific techniques for fairness, privacy, and explainability A preview of the future of responsible AI , >
Preis: 28.33 € | Versand*: 0 €
Ist trustworthy?
Es gibt gemischte Meinungen darüber, ob vertrauenswürdig ist. Einige Benutzer berichten von positiven Erfahrungen mit der Website, während andere Bedenken hinsichtlich potenzieller Malware oder unerwünschter Software äußern. Es ist wichtig, vorsichtig zu sein und Bewertungen sowie Informationen von vertrauenswürdigen Quellen zu prüfen, bevor man Software von herunterlädt. Letztendlich liegt es an jedem einzelnen, selbst zu entscheiden, ob er der Website vertraut oder nicht.
Ist trustworthy?
Ja, ist eine vertrauenswürdige Website. Sie existiert seit vielen Jahren und hat eine gute Reputation in der Online-Lotteriebranche. Die Website bietet einen sicheren und geschützten Service für den Kauf von Lotteriescheinen aus der ganzen Welt. Viele zufriedene Kunden haben positive Erfahrungen mit gemacht. Es ist wichtig, sich an seriöse und etablierte Websites wie zu halten, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre persönlichen Daten und Zahlungen geschützt sind.
Ist der Internetshop trustworthy?
Es ist schwierig, die Vertrauenswürdigkeit eines Internetshops ohne weitere Informationen zu beurteilen. Um sicherzugehen, ob vertrauenswürdig ist, empfehle ich, nach Kundenbewertungen und Erfahrungen im Internet zu suchen. Es ist auch ratsam, die allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen des Shops zu überprüfen und sicherzustellen, dass sie transparent sind. Letztendlich ist es wichtig, vorsichtig zu sein und bei Zweifeln lieber auf einen anderen Shop zurückzugreifen.
Wie nennt man das beim Gerüstbau?
Beim Gerüstbau nennt man die Konstruktion, die verwendet wird, um Arbeiter und Materialien während Bau- oder Renovierungsarbeiten zu unterstützen, ein Gerüst. Es dient als temporäre Plattform, um den Zugang zu höher gelegenen Bereichen zu ermöglichen und die Sicherheit der Arbeiter zu gewährleisten. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Gerüsten, wie z.B. Fassadengerüste, Rollgerüste oder Hängegerüste.
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ZARGES Arbeitsplattform
Arbeitsplattform, Podest aus Aluminium mit rutschfestem PVC-Belag (R13), Podest Höhe x Breite x Tiefe 700 x 1700 x 600 mm, Aufstieg beidseitig, 2 x 3 Breitsprossen (inkl. Podest), Sprossen Tiefe 60 mm, Stufen-Holm-Verbindung gebördelt, platzsparend zusammenklappbar, geklappt Breite x Tiefe 740 x 170 mm, auswechselbare Leiterfüße am Holmende, belastbar bis 300 kg, Gewicht.
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Warum gibt es kein Signal mehr vor dem Baugerüst?
Es gibt verschiedene mögliche Gründe dafür, dass es kein Signal mehr vor einem Baugerüst gibt. Zum einen könnten die Metallstrukturen des Gerüsts das Signal blockieren oder abschwächen. Zum anderen könnten Bauarbeiten oder andere Störquellen in der Nähe das Signal stören. Es ist auch möglich, dass das Baugerüst selbst mit einer Abschirmung ausgestattet ist, um elektromagnetische Interferenzen zu reduzieren.
Darf ich auf das Baugerüst vor meinem eigenen Haus?
Ja, als Eigentümer oder Mieter darfst du normalerweise das Baugerüst vor deinem eigenen Haus betreten. Du solltest jedoch sicherstellen, dass du die nötigen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen beachtest und dich nicht in Gefahr begibst. Es kann auch sein, dass du eventuelle Genehmigungen oder Absprachen mit den Baufirmen einhalten musst.
Was sind die Kosten für ein Baugerüst im Winter?
Die Kosten für ein Baugerüst im Winter können variieren, abhängig von verschiedenen Faktoren wie der Größe des Gerüsts, der Dauer der Miete und der Region, in der sich die Baustelle befindet. In der Regel können die Kosten im Winter höher sein, da zusätzliche Maßnahmen wie beispielsweise Heizung erforderlich sein können, um die Sicherheit und Funktionalität des Gerüsts bei kalten Temperaturen zu gewährleisten. Es ist daher ratsam, sich bei verschiedenen Anbietern nach individuellen Angeboten zu erkundigen.
Was ist ein Sicherheitsnetz für ein Trampolin?
Ein Sicherheitsnetz für ein Trampolin ist ein Schutzvorrichtung, die um das Trampolin herum angebracht wird, um zu verhindern, dass Personen während des Springens vom Trampolin fallen. Es besteht aus einem Netz, das an Stangen befestigt ist und das Trampolin umgibt. Das Sicherheitsnetz erhöht die Sicherheit beim Trampolinspringen und reduziert das Verletzungsrisiko.
* Alle Preise verstehen sich inklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer und ggf. zuzüglich Versandkosten. Die Angebotsinformationen basieren auf den Angaben des jeweiligen Shops und werden über automatisierte Prozesse aktualisiert. Eine Aktualisierung in Echtzeit findet nicht statt, so dass es im Einzelfall zu Abweichungen kommen kann.